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Press Konferencija, Travnik...12.10.2005.g.


Danas (12.10.2005.g.) je u Travniku odrzana Press konferencija a povodom Analize realizacije projekta Koncerti za djeciju nedjelju koju su zajednicki pripremili Udruzenje Srce za djecu koja boluju od raka u FBiH i Zavod za javno zdravstvo SBK/KSB u saradnji sa pet muzickih/glazbenih skola Srednjobosanskog kantona/Kantona Sredisnja Bosna (uz ucesce vise od 120 mladih izvodjaca i specijalnih gostiju koje je gledalo/slusalo 1364 posjetioca). Izrazivsi zahvalnost ucesnicima u veoma uspjesnom Projektu predstavnici organizatora su tom prilikom urucili poklon CD-e svim direktorima muzickih/glazbenih skola (vise od 150 fotografije sa sastanaka, svih Koncerata iz sedam gradova- Zahvalnost dopisniku Dnevnog avaza, Kenanu Kavazovicu, za ustupljene fotografije sa Koncerta u Travniku- i skenirani tekstovi iz stampe od kraja mjeseca avgusta/kolovoza do 11.10.2005.g.) i DVD-i sa Koncerta u Kiseljaku (uz zahvalnost za RTV KISS za ustupanje materijala) uz naglasak da ce saradnja sa navedenim skolama biti nastavljena i tokom buducih akcija. Fotografije u dodatku (photo Kenan Kavazovic).


Today (12.10.2005) has been held the Press conference inTravnik and in regards the Analysis of the Project Concerts during the children week which has been jointly realised by the side of the Association The Heart for the children with cancer and Institute for Public health of Middle Bosnia Canton within the cooperation with five music school from mentioned Canton (120 children perfomers and special guests who has been watching 1364 spectators). By expressing the gratitude to the participants within this very succesful project, the representatives of the organisors handed over as a gift to all managers of the mentioned schools- CD with more than 150 photos from the meetings, Concerts from seven cities- (gratitude to the correspodent of Dnevni avaz, mr. Kenan Kavazovic, for received photos from the Concert from Travnik- and scanned articles from the Bosnian press as of the end of august and up to 11.10.2005) and gift DVD from the Concert from Kiseljak (gratitude to the RTV KISS, Kiseljak for giving us video materials) and underlining that the cooperation with mentioned schools will be continued during the future period as well. Photos enclosed (photo by Kenan Kavazovic).




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